неділю, 6 липня 2008 р.

Bouchees Doubles mp3

artist: Bouchees Doubles

album: Apartheid mp3

style: rap
year: 2006
tracks: 14
artist / track titledownload
Bouchees Doubles

Apartheid mp3



A Tentendre

Nuit Blanche


Compagnon de Cellule

Lire Entre Les Lignes featuring Medine

Tous Les Chemins Menent Au Cimetiere

Jeu de Dames

Jannonce la Couleur


Fier featuring Vegeta (Dbz)

En Ton Nom


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download Apartheid mp3
Apartheid mp3 download
Apartheid songs
Apartheid lyric
Bouchees Doubles mp3 download
Bouchees Doubles albums

1 коментар:

Erica Herrera сказав...

Apartheid (meaning separateness in Afrikaans , cognate to English apart and -hood ) was a system of legalized racial segregation enforced by the National Party government of South Africa between 1948 and 1990. Apartheid had its roots in the history of Dutch, French and British colonisation and settlement of southern Africa, with the development of practices and policies of separation along racial lines and domination by European settlers and their descendents, which persisted both before and after South Africa gained ...

The crime of apartheid is defined by the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court which established the International Criminal Court as inhumane acts of a character similar to other crimes against humanity "committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.

apartheid (mot afrikaans emprunt du franais [ 1 ] , signifiant sparation, mise part [ 2 ] ) tait une politique de dveloppement spar affectant des populations selon des critres raciaux ou ethniques dans des zones gographiques dtermines. Il fut conceptualis et mis en place partir de 1948 en Afrique du Sud par le Parti national , et aboli le 30 juin 1991

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Apartheid was het officile systeem van rassensegregatie dat tussen 1948 en 1990 in Zuid-Afrika en het huidige Namibi in werking was. Het woord apartheid komt uit het Afrikaans en is als leenwoord in bijna elke andere taal onvertaald opgenomen. Het eerste bekende gebruik van het woord was in 1919 , tijdens een toespraak van Jan Smuts , de toenmalige eerste minister van Zuid-Afrika.

Als Apartheid ( Afrikaans , von apart getrennt, einzel, besonders) wurde die Rassentrennung in Sdafrika bezeichnet. Heute wird der Begriff manchmal auch als Synonym fr Rassentrennung im Allgemeinen verwendet. [1] ...

El apartheid es el resultado de lo que fue en el siglo XX un fenmeno de segregacin en Sudfrica implantado por colonizadores Holandeses Beres en la regin, como smbolo de una sucesin de discriminacin poltica, econmica, social, y racial. Fue llamado as pues significa "segregacin"

Apartheid ("vida separada") uma palavra de origem africana, adotada legalmente em 1948 na frica do Sul para designar um regime segundo o qual os brancos detinham o poder e os povos restantes eram obrigados a viver separadamente, de acordo com regras que os impediam de ser verdadeiros cidados

Definitions of apartheid at Dictionary.com. ... 1. (in the Republic of South Africa) a rigid policy of segregation of the nonwhite population.
Apartheid consisted of numerous laws that allowed the ruling white minority in South Africa to segregate, exploit and terrorize the vast majority: